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Editing, editing, editing.

I have been on an editing jag after feedback from an agent I submitted the book to (gold dust) and for the last three weeks have been putting in eight hours a day to make some really quite structural changes. It has been a labour but i think the book is better for it. I have a process where I print the book off one sided, divide the pages into chapters and take over the whole of the dining table to play musical scenes; shuffling them around until it works. Then comes the hard work - chasing timelines when information has been moved. Who knows what and when? I also deleted a couple of characters and then had to eradicate any mention of them, along with a whole thread that had added a character that went nowhere..... Changing points of view was easier but it is amazing how long it all takes. My habit of printing off each version has deforested Brazil - thank goodness I can shred and add to the compost.

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